Dealing with video files is just about the most obnoxious experience a researcher can have. I wasted a *year* of research getting this one wrong before I realized the only, and I do mean only, effective solution involves FFMPEG. Here I offer you a program that will re-align every video held in one directory and for which you have alignment data.
The program uses R as a wrapper to load a .csv file that contains the meta-data on a directory of video files that you want to align.
Therefore: 1) You have to hand-check the audio-visual offsets for each file, and put that into the .csv file. 2) You also have to make sure you have installed FFMPEG, SOX, PERL, R, and the R modules “reader” and “gdata”. 3) You have to look inside my R-code and change the paths and extensions to make the program will work on your computer.
I provide a sample video with a swallow used to obtain a palate trace. Get the software to work on your machine with this sample before modifying the code for your project.